Monday, 3 March 2014

Durham University and Dyslexia - Response

Durham University and the Dyslexia Debate was the subject of a post on this blog yesterday. The front page of the university website was giving such prominence to claims by one of their researchers that the word dyslexia "should be abandoned" that it seemed likely to put off dyslexic students from applying there. Indeed, I have been contacted by several dyslexics since yesterday who have said that they would not have considered applying there had they seen such a website front page.

I wrote to ask Durham university if they had a policy on dyslexia and if they had considered the possible unintended messages their website might be sending to prospective students.

This morning the front page of their website was changed to a far more positive article on International Women's Day, though it still only takes one click to reach dyslexia debate articles. The before and after screenshots are posted below:

Durham University website front page - before

Durham University website front page - after

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